sábado, 15 de junio de 2013

Goran Ivanovic: compositor

(The bio reproduced below was obtained from the Internet, and it is not current. Goran has, as expected, developed into a great composer.)

                    Goran Ivanovic

One of the foremost guitarists of his generation, 28-year-old Goran Ivanovic's intense and introspective melodic interpretations can be credited to his controversial ethnic background and his steadfast pursuit of a diverse and progressive repertoire. A child prodigy in his native town of Osijek, near the Hungarian border in Croatia, Ivanovic was born and raised by a Bosnian Croat mother and Serbian father. His father was also a locally acclaimed rock musician who built jazz guitars. He left home for the Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria in 1989, just before the outbreak of the bloody civil war. While he was studying with masters such as Elliot Fisk and Joaquin Clerch, his parents were perilously expelled from Croatia. They joined him in Salzburg as refugees, until the family was granted Political Asylum in the United States.

Permanently exiled from his native country, Ivanovic has retained the spirit of the region through his unique and fiery renditions of Balkan folk pieces. He has also added Spanish and Latin American music to his repertoire, and these along with his recent explorations of jazz and blues rhythms have combined for an inimitable sound.

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